There are a lot of concerns surrounding SEO marketing these days and I’m left scratching my head wondering why. Yes, SEO can be complicated and can be seen as a downright waste of time to those who have tried it and haven’t gotten the results they expected. If you’re a marketer who is not sure about SEO, let me first describe what it is and share 5 facts the prove the value of search engine optimization.
What is SEO Marketing?
At its basic definition, it trying to improve keyword rankings on search engines to help gain visibility and users to your website. The key here though is with the users as when organic rankings for keywords tends to improve you tend to see an increase in new users. With new users learning about your services and offerings, this tends to lead to increases in organic conversions. Now that you have a basic understanding of what SEO marketing is, now we can get into 5 other reasons on why it’s important
SEO Marketing is Cost Effective
Unlike paid search, SEO marketing doesn’t require a media budget. This means you don’t need to keep “feeding the machine money” to keep your website visible for users to click to get to your site via the search engine results page (SERP). And let me tell you, clicks can get very costly in competitive markets. Yes, there may be some upfront costs and/or a monthly retainer but it in the long run, SEO is much more cost effective and longer lasting than digital advertising.
Search Engine Usage is Growing
According to an article from Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. This means potential buyers are searching for products and services that your business/website offers to help make their lives better. The question remains, is your site being found? With the right SEO marketing efforts, you can improve organic rank, increase brand visibility, and drive prospects to your site.
SEO Builds Brand Credibility
Let’s face it, Google is a huge, reputable company. So, if your site is appearing in top results (heck even on page one) for related search queries, organically, this is a huge vote of confidence for your brand. Many searchers view a top organic listing as a “stamp of approval”, and a strong indication that your site offers relevant information, giving your website more credibility than a paid listing.
SEO Drives Qualified Traffic
According to a study by Brightedge, 51% of total website traffic, on average, comes from organic search. This is more traffic than any other channel — including paid, social and referral. This is a dominating statistic which means users are more willing to engage and interact with organic search listings than any other channel.
SEO Helps You Beat the Competition
There is only so much room (or “real estate”) on the SERP. If your company isn’t displayed in a top position, somebody else is. Improving your organic search visibility is an effective way to improve your competitive market positioning. Don’t let competitors take valuable customers away from you… especially if your product and service offerings are better than theirs.
SEO Marketing and the Bottom Line
SEO continues to grow. Most marketers understand the benefits of SEO and have started investing in it, either by partnering with an agency to provide SEO services or hiring skilled employees.
The bottom line is that SEO is still a very important and relevant marketing tactic. Successful SEO programs improve brand visibility/credibility, drive qualified traffic, and convert visitors into leads and sales.
If you’re struggling with your current efforts and need SEO help, I invite you to review our case studies and to contact us so we can discuss your goals and determine how we can help improve results.
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