Landing Page Testing & Data Segmentation

Abraham Nord April 22, 2019

Here we will look at the true power of personalization in marketing and, no, I’m not talking about dynamically showing the visitor’s name from their form submission – “Thanks {Abraham}”. The type of personalization that I am talking about will result in exponentially more leads/conversions.

Personalization Marketing

My definition of a personalized experience is one that best meets the specific visitor’s need, on a specific device, in that specific context and moment in time.

Take this recent test as a real-world example of what I am talking about.

Testing an alternate downloadable asset on a paid media landing page

On the surface this is a pretty straight forward test, we want to understand which asset will be the most compelling for driving leads and form submissions. One asset talks about the topic from the business side of things (Control) while the other asset speaks to the technical aspects (Variation 1).

We ran the test across both Google Search and Capterra paid channels and for both desktop and mobile visitors.

The results, at first glance, were not all that impressive with a 5% increase in conversion rates for Variation 1 for all traffic.

However, the more we pulled back the segments, the more interesting and compelling the results became. When looking at Desktop vs. Mobile visitors, Control won for Desktop with a 7.5% higher conversion rate, while Variation 1 won for Mobile visitors with a 6.8% higher conversion rate. Next looking at Google vs. Capterra, Control won for Google with a 48.2% higher conversion rate and Variation 1 won for Capterra with a 93.8% higher conversion rate!

By further segmenting the data by both channel and device, we found additional differences with Google desktop/mobile and Capterra desktop/mobile. At the end of the day we ended up with 4 different winning experiences and an effective increase in the total conversion rate of 167%.

We also learned a lot about the different audiences of each platform as well as their unique device preferences which the paid media managers could then leverage and further capitalize on through adjustments in targeting, spend, etc.

I hope this example sparks the desire to dive deeper into your own analytics data and uncover the true story of personalization that is hidden in the experiences we create for visitors every day. Happy testing!

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Abraham is the head of the Conversion Improvement department. He leads landing page testing strategy, implementation and analysis along with client communication and delivery. Abraham brings 8+ years of experience in conversion improvement, landing page testing and usability with a specific focus towards B2B and business with a complex sale.