Paid Media Case Study: Google Ads Sitelink Extensions More Than Double MQLs

Avid Demand January 21, 2024


Google Ads extensions offer the opportunity to maximize SERP real estate with highly relevant and important information. Specifically, sitelink extensions provide a way to direct searchers to specific pages beyond the main destination URL associated with your ad, driving audiences to high-priority or converting pages.

Sitelink extensions can also boost quality score and click-through rate, improving overall search advertising performance.

The Challenge:

Our client, a leading payment processing provider, has a primary goal of driving Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) from their digital advertising program. In order to maximize MQLs, Avid Demand worked to increase traffic to landing pages featuring high-priority actions that are immediately scored as MQLs, and we needed to achieve this without increasing advertising costs or media spend.

Our Strategy:

Sitelink extensions offered a way to expand the client’s existing search program, increasing visibility, traffic and conversions for priority pages across search campaigns.


  • We added four sitelink extensions with UTM tracking across five campaigns.
  • Sitelinks directed traffic to the following high-priority pages: Pricing, Demo, Savings Report, Contact Us.
  • There was no additional substantial shift in budget or search strategy.

The Results:

We immediately saw an impact on paid search conversions, with a 29% increase in conversions and a 19% improvement in conversion rate the month after implementation.

Over the course of 8 months, these additional sitelink extensions led to the following results:

  • Increase of 10.8% for sitelink extension clicks.
  • Improvement of 36.33% for sitelink-specific CTR.
  • Increase of 120% in conversions from sitelinks.
  • Improvement of 98.7% in conversion rate for sitelink extension traffic.

Most importantly, MQLs increased by 101.5% YOY.

Additional benefits: Along with increasing conversions, this effort also directed new traffic to high impact pages, expanding remarketing audiences for further nurturing.


Overall, this was a nuanced change that offered significant incremental improvement to search campaigns for our client. Sitelink extensions are low-hanging fruit that can improve the quality of your search advertising program.

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