Search engine optimization (SEO) can be overwhelming. You want to make sure you are partnering with the right SEO agency; a firm that understands your business goals and marketing objectives; who will provide the right knowledge and expertise to help you achieve targeted results through organic search.
After many rounds of reviews and validating various agencies and their SEO experts, how do you know which SEO agency to choose? Well if you are looking for SEO help and are searching for an SEO agency to partner with, here are 5 tips to ensure that you are choosing the right agency.
1. Review “About Us” Section of Website
When searching for SEO help you may need to dig deeper than just the SEO Services page on a website to get a complete overview of the agency. The best place to get that information is the “About Us” section. There you can find mission statements, agency overviews and specific details on what makes each agency different. There might be some nuggets here that might ring true to you and your business.
2. Reach Out To Current Clients
One of the best ways to get under the hood and gather information on how a SEO agency stacks up against others is to get direct feedback from clients they have worked with or are currently working with. View their client list and ask the agency to provide you with the contacts of a couple clients they are currently working with and see what they have to say. This can provide some good insight, and support your decision making process on choosing the right partner to provide SEO help.
3. Thought Leadership
You can see first-hand how a SEO agency has helped their clients by reviewing case studies published on their site. This can give you some insight into their SEO successes and can help provide you with questions to ask when it comes to your website strategy. Also, reading agency blog posts and published articles that the agency’s SEO experts have written can give you some insight on what the SEO team can bring to the table to help your business succeed in organic search.
4. Read Reviews
You can also search reviews on the agency or agencies that you are vetting for SEO help. Some places to find reviews are Google/Google Maps and Facebook. Doing this type research ensures you are picking an agency that aligns with your goals.
5. Research the SEO Experts
You can conduct further research on the SEO people you will be working with. Head over to and check-out the professional profiles for the agency’s SEO Experts. You will be able to see how many years of experience they have in the field as well as getting more in depth information regarding where they worked previously.
I hope these tips help you in your search for the right SEO agency. If you are in need of SEO help and are looking for a place to get started you can request a free SEO Audit here.
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